
  • get - Company exemptions stream


    "data": {
        "etag": "string",
        "exemptions": {
            "disclosure_transparency_rules_chapter_five_applies": {
                "exemption_type": "string",
                "items": [
                        "exempt_from": "date",
                        "exempt_to": "date"
            "psc_exempt_as_shares_admitted_on_market": {
                "exemption_type": "string",
                "items": [
                        "exempt_from": "date",
                        "exempt_to": "date"
            "psc_exempt_as_trading_on_eu_regulated_market": {
                "exemption_type": "string",
                "items": [
                        "exempt_from": "date",
                        "exempt_to": "date"
            "psc_exempt_as_trading_on_regulated_market": {
                "exemption_type": "string",
                "items": [
                        "exempt_from": "date",
                        "exempt_to": "date"
            "psc_exempt_as_trading_on_uk_regulated_market": {
                "exemption_type": "string",
                "items": [
                        "exempt_from": "date",
                        "exempt_to": "date"
        "kind": "string",
        "links": [
                "self": "string"
    "event": {
        "fields_changed": [
        "published_at": "date-time",
        "timepoint": "integer",
        "type": "string"
    "resource_id": "string",
    "resource_kind": "string",
    "resource_uri": "string"


Name Type Description Additional
data object

The company exemptions resource data. May be absent for 'deleted' event types.

data.etag string

The ETag of the resource.

data.exemptions object

Company exemptions information.

data.exemptions.disclosure_transparency_rules_chapter_five_applies object

If present the company has been or is exempt from keeping a PSC register, because it is a DTR issuer and the shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market.

data.exemptions.disclosure_transparency_rules_chapter_five_applies.exemption_type string

The exemption type.

Possible values are:

  • disclosure-transparency-rules-chapter-five-applies
data.exemptions.disclosure_transparency_rules_chapter_five_applies.items[] array

List of exemption periods.

data.exemptions.disclosure_transparency_rules_chapter_five_applies.items[].exempt_from date

Exemption valid from.

data.exemptions.disclosure_transparency_rules_chapter_five_applies.items[].exempt_to date

Exemption valid to.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_shares_admitted_on_market object

If present the company has been or is exempt from keeping a PSC register, as it has voting shares admitted to trading on a market listed in the Register of People with Significant Control Regulations 2016.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_shares_admitted_on_market.exemption_type string

The exemption type.

Possible values are:

  • psc-exempt-as-shares-admitted-on-market
data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_shares_admitted_on_market.items[] array

List of dates

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_shares_admitted_on_market.items[].exempt_from date

Exemption valid from.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_shares_admitted_on_market.items[].exempt_to date

Exemption valid to.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_eu_regulated_market object

If present the company has been or is exempt from keeping a PSC register, as it has voting shares admitted to trading on an EU regulated market.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_eu_regulated_market.exemption_type string

The exemption type.

Possible values are:

  • psc-exempt-as-trading-on-eu-regulated-market
data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_eu_regulated_market.items[] array

List of dates

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_eu_regulated_market.items[].exempt_from date

Exemption valid from.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_eu_regulated_market.items[].exempt_to date

Exemption valid to.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_regulated_market object

If present the company has been or is exempt from keeping a PSC register, as it has voting shares admitted to trading on a regulated market other than the UK.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_regulated_market.exemption_type string

The exemption type.

Possible values are:

  • psc-exempt-as-trading-on-regulated-market
data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_regulated_market.items[] array

List of dates

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_regulated_market.items[].exempt_from date

Exemption valid from.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_regulated_market.items[].exempt_to date

Exemption valid to.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_uk_regulated_market object

If present the company has been or is exempt from keeping a PSC register, as it has voting shares admitted to trading on a UK regulated market.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_uk_regulated_market.exemption_type string

The exemption type.

Possible values are:

  • psc-exempt-as-trading-on-uk-regulated-market
data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_uk_regulated_market.items[] array

List of dates

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_uk_regulated_market.items[].exempt_from date

Exemption valid from.

data.exemptions.psc_exempt_as_trading_on_uk_regulated_market.items[].exempt_to date

Exemption valid to.

data.kind string

Possible values are:

  • exemptions
data.links[] array

A set of URLs related to the resource, including self.

data.links[].self string

The URL of this resource.

event object

Link to the related resource

Read only.
event.fields_changed[] array of string

Array of fields that have been changed by this event. Nested fields are referenced by dot notation e.g. links.document_metadata

Optional, read only.
event.published_at date-time

The date and time the data notification was raised in the format of yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss for example: 2024-09-04T10:52:22

Read only.
event.timepoint integer

The point-in-time identifier for this stream document. Use to re-establish a connection to the stream at this point.

Read only.
event.type string

The type of event denoted by this stream document.

Possible values are:

  • changed
  • deleted
Read only.
resource_id string

The ID of the resource.

Read only.
resource_kind string

The type of resource contained within the stream document.

Possible values are:

  • company-profile#company-profile
  • filing-history#filing-history
Read only.
resource_uri string

The URI of the resource.

Read only.